Thursday, October 11, 2018

Room 120 Happenings...

Here is some insight into what is happening in my classes:

7th English: We are loving this short story unit on folktales!  We are reading literature from Vietnam, West Africa, Japan, England, Rome, China, Greece, (Native) America, and more!  Students are learning higher level thinking skills and gaining a deeper understanding of theme, inference, motifs, and more!  Grammar and writing are also being assessed through various activities.  Additionally, students are learning specific note-taking skills in this unit. 

8th English: The students are proving to be masters at generating discussion and writing reflectively during our current novel unit.  This intense novel, The Book Thief, has not only deepened our understanding of World War II, but it has also exposed us to beautiful literature, all the while strengthening our Christian worldview.  Most importantly, the novel facilitated discussions of human sinful nature, forgiveness, being God's image-bearers, and the undeniable power of words.   During this unit, I have especially loved digging into what God's Word says about our tongues in terms of taming them, using them to build-up, standing up for the oppressed, and more.  We have another week and a half of this Holocaust literature unit, and then we will be watching The Hiding Place movie. 

8th Bible: We just finished the longest unit of the whole year!  The test is tomorrow, and today is the review game to prepare for the assessment.  This first unit was an overview, and next we will be digging into the details of church history.  These 8th graders are so insightful, so deep, and an utter JOY to teach.  Continue to pray that we grow closer to Jesus during this time together!

Here are some random photos of recent classroom happenings and such!  Enjoy!

"See You at the Pole" prayer morning

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