Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Great Start!

We're already off to a great year!

Know This...

2. Organize your English Binder into five tabbed sections: Bell Work, Literature, Grammar, Writing, and Vocabulary
3. The daily planners were on backorder, but they have been shipped and will be here shortly.  Students, please use the planner template that we have provided in the meantime to make sure you are not forgetting homework and such! Thank you for your patience!
4. Bring in Box-tops and volunteer hours to homeroom for Falcon Fray points.
5. Attend soccer and volleyball games to support your classmates AND to earn Falcon Fray points for your homeroom! Athletic events can be found on the  TCS Website Calendar .

What's Going on in Mrs. Agate's Classes..

7th English: We just started a new novel, The Giver by Lois Lowry. The genre of this work is dystopian fiction, and it is a modern classic.  In addition to reading and discussing the concepts and themes of this novel, students will also be working on their writing with a grammar review unit, writing prompts, and more.

8th English: We just began reading Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes.  We've already had wonderful class discussions concerning "ignorance is bliss; knowledge is power" (a key theme to this literary work of realistic fiction).  In addition to this literature unit, we will be working on grammar and writing.  Our first grammar unit is a review of the parts of speech, punctuation, and other fundamental concepts.

8th Biblical Worldview: Students were given their unit study guides, and we are going to be taking a look at the early church in the New Testament throughout this unit.  We have already completed the first lesson on covenants, and I am impressed with the knowledge of God's Word within this wonderful group of students.  The memory passage for this unit is Jeremiah 31:33-34, ESV. 
Homeroom Dance-Off for Falcon Fray Battle Day

I love getting to know these amazing students!  And they posed wonderfully for their polaroid pictures!

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