Thursday, April 27, 2017

It's almost May! WHAT?!

I can't believe it's almost May!  I am so pleased to report that we are ahead in Bible and right on track in English in both 7th and 8th grades!  The big focus in this last quarter is in WRITING!  Students will have a bit more homework in English in this last quarter, and I will be encouraging them to manage their time wisely.

In Bible, we only have one unit left in each class, and we will be memorizing more Scripture and deeply studying God's Word together.  The emphasis on these last units, for both 7th and 8th grades, is really on strengthening our walks with Jesus and showing His love to others through our actions, attitudes, AND words.  I am looking forward to a very special time together.

For 7th grade English, each student is currently completing his/her story for his/her kindergarten buddy. (Books must be completed by May 4th.) I can't wait to present these to the kindergarteners on May 9th! Also this quarter, each student will be writing a literary critique on a novel of their choosing and completing a coinciding project.  The students will also be learning more MLA formatting.  Additionally, they will strengthen their skills of using transitions and bettering their sentence mechanics through various writings and exercises.  We also have one more short story unit to cover in literature!

For 8th grade English, students are currently writing an analysis on their recently completed novel and presenting a coinciding project.  Additionally, they will be writing speeches in MLA Format and delivering them professionally in a debate-like forum.  We also have a short story unit yet to look forward to, including writing a literary critique essay comparing and contrasting authors' writing styles.  We will end the year also with an overview of grammar, including taking the 9th grade grammar assessment.

*The Classics Reading Challenge should be completed by May 4th!
*The Middle School Awards Assembly is Thursday, May 25th at 8:25AM!
*You can still get Work-a-Thon sponsors!  Please do! :)

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