Thursday, January 19, 2017


I love when I ask my students to try a simple form of poetry (or any writing for that matter), and they really GO for it.  A recent example is when I asked eighth graders to write ballads for a homework assignment.  After explaining the form of the poetry, they realized that writing ballads is much like writing songs, and to my surprise (and delight), two students came in the next day with instruments in hand, ready to share their original ballads.  Several other students experimented with using the same complex form and rhyme scheme as Robert Service's famous ballad, The Cremation of Sam McGee, which we had read and learned about in class the day before.  It's moments like this that I can't believe I get to partake in the creativity of these students who continue to do their best by going above and beyond the requirements.  Keep up the great work, everyone!  What a blessing!

Kyra with her ukelele and Destyni with her djembe.

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