Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Welcome to Middle School! 

I am very excited to teach the awesome 7th and 8th graders for another year, and I pray my enthusiasm is contagious! I am passionate about teaching English, and it is also my privilege to teach Bible to the middle schoolers. I am eager to share my knowledge and zeal for such subjects, and the students have MUCH to look forward to for this school year. Junior high is a very integral time in schooling which marks an important era of transition from elementary to high school. These two years a precious and special, and together we will set goals for academic, social and, most importantly, spiritual growth.  

My teaching style is very hands-on, conversational, and interactive. I believe all activities we do in the classroom should have a concrete purpose which gives the learner a reason to desire achievement and understanding within each assignment. I do not give any busy-work in or outside of the classroom.  I maintain high standards for each student, and I expect the students to do their best as I will strive to do mine.  Of course, we will ask the Holy Spirit for guidance and strength daily!

One point of emphasis in my classroom is organization as it is vital to achieving success in the classroom. You may have noticed I requested a 2-inch binder with five dividers for English --for Writing, Grammar, Literature, Vocabulary, and Analogies. This is not to bog anyone down, but to help each student succeed in being structured. (All the language arts notes, hand-outs, essays, rubrics, homework, tests, etc. will stay in this organized, sectioned binder as I will hole-punch all the papers I give out. Please check these binders regularly.) 

In addition to an organized binder, the students are accountable to keep track of their specific assignments and write them down daily. I give out homework orally, write all the assignments on the homework board, and oftentimes give the students an additional explanatory hand-out for papers and projects. Tests, quizzes, projects, and papers are posted to my website as well. I want each student to be set up for success!  I suggest keeping a daily planner for all subjects.
This year each student will receive the following books from me: Literature Textbook, Vocabulary Workbook, Grammar Textbook and Workbook, Writing Packet, Journal, Bible Textbook, Bible Workbook, and various novels throughout the year. Students are responsible for keeping textbooks covered and in superb condition. 

If there are any questions (from you or your student), I will entertain them at my earliest convenience at kagate@trinitychristian.net; you can also reach me at school at 412-242-8886. And I encourage you to follow my class webpage for updates, assignment explanations, duedates, etc. It is a wonderful resource for students and parents. To get to my website, simply click on my faculty photo on the school's website: trinitychristian.net.  To sign up for updates to the website, simply scroll to the bottom and enter your email.  

Thank you for entrusting me with your awesome students!  I do not take this honor lightly! I’m looking forward to a wonderful year!

Love, In Christ,

Katie Agate


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