I have much to report!
1. Thank you so much for the generous Christmas and birthday gifts! My heart is still bursting with gratitude! I am ever so thankful for your love and support and feel encouraged daily by all the parents and students. Thank you for being such a tremendous blessing to me! (I have not completed my thank-you notes due to having surgery on my right hand. I hope to finish them when I can write again!)
2. Our collaborative unit, "Making Our Mark on History," was a great success! I will post photos of your amazing children at the end of this blog. I am so proud of how hard many of the students worked on their projects. The added bonus was that they were able to bless the elementary students with highly educational presentations and activities.
3. Yes, there is a lock-in coming up, and I have received many emails about it. Unfortunately, I cannot answer any questions because I did not plan it, nor am I chaperoning it. I do hope the kids have fun!
4. Our school-wide Speech Meet is on February 27th! All students should be memorizing their chosen pieces. I approved them on December 20th to provide ample time for memorization. Please don't procrastinate with this!
5. THANK YOU for contributing to the winter coat drive! You donated 49 coats to bless those in need! Stayed tuned for our next middle school service project!
6. Cool Opportunity Alert!! My middle schoolers have so much to say, and I might even be interested in listening to a pod cast from one of them. Well, I might be in luck because NPR is having a student pod cast competition. I am not making this an assignment, but I would be happy to help any student who is interested! Click this link for the details, and look specifically at the student resources. https://www.npr.org/2018/11/15/650500116/npr-student-podcast-challenge-home
Finally, here is what is happening in my classroom!
English 7: We are smack-dab in the middle of our poetry unit! Students are learning poetic devices, practicing different forms of poetry, and reading a wide variety of poems from amazing authors! Students' writing often improves greatly during this exciting unit as we focus on format AND creativity and literary techniques. Within this unit, I have also sprinkled in grammar activities so that we stay on top of it!
English 8: We just began a new unit on poetry which includes lots of writing AND reading of poetry. Students have a culminating project wi
th this unit, and they will enjoy creating poetry portfolios with their own writing and coinciding art. Please see the detailed rubric for more information. We have also been working in our grammar books to keep it fresh!
Bible 8: We just began a new unit on Church History: Constantine's Influence. The new memory passage is 1 Corinthians 13:4-13, ESV. Along with studying church history and seeing how the Holy Spirit moved through history, we will be also be in discussion (and in prayer!) about how the Lord is working in our lives . Please continue to be in prayer over our awesome middle schoolers!

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