7th Grade Bible
Trinity Christian School
Mrs. Agate
*To understand that the Bible is the story of God’s actions and words.
*To understand that the Old Testament stories all point to Christ.
*To help you grow in your love of God and live in ways that please and honor Him.
*To read, memorize, and discuss God’s word together so that we may grow in wisdom and knowledge and draw closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.
We will be spending a lot of our time studying the Old Testament prophets. We will see God’s faithfulness to his people despite their lack of faithfulness to Him. We will study the stories of the Old Testament and even touch on the inter-testament period. Throughout all these stories, we will see that God was consistently preparing His people for the coming of Christ.
You will need to bring an ESV version of the Old and New Testament to class every day. We will also be using a book called Walking with the God and His People along with an accompanying workbook. You will need these in class daily as well. You must also have a notebook for this class.
Memory Work
You will have Bible verses to memorize. We may work on them at school, and you will need to spend time working on them at home. Psalm 119:11 says, “I have hidden Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.”