Thursday, December 20, 2018

Project FUN!

7th and 8th graders presented their creative projects for the recent literary works we have studied.

We had news broadcasts, poetry portfolios, book trailers, book posters and review essays, info-mercials, illustrated children's books, original music compositions, dioramas, graphic short stories, and MORE!

I have to say that if there was a Project MVP Award, it would go to Joshua Maurer who wrote and recorded a song (music, lyrics, multiple instruments, harmonizing over his own voice, etc.) for The Hobbit.  It was INCREDIBLE and could be on the radio this minute!  If he makes a digital copy available, I will share it! 

Here are just a few representations of other wonderful projects.

Mirkwood Forrest

Bilbo's Foyer 

Warg Attack on Bilbo and Dori

"Riddles in the Dark" with Gollum

Gandalf in Hobbiton

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