Monday, November 5, 2018

Second Quarter Start :)

It's been a great start to the second quarter already!  Here is a very brief look into what is currently happening in my classes...

7th English: We finished a lengthy grammar unit, and now we are reviewing all the concepts and applying them to our writing.  For the next three days, we will be doing intensive writing in class and working through sentence mechanics, structure, and organization in writing.  On Thursday we will begin our new literature unit: The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien.  This unit will include vocabulary assignments,  writing prompts, reading assessments, and a culminating project.  It will be loads of fun!

8th English: We are smack dab in the middle of our literature unit: William Shakespeare's A Midsummer Night's Dream.  The students are doing an amazing job acting it out in class, and this literary work has brought about some great class discussion.  This unit includes a project, vocabulary and writing work, and reading assessments.  Although acting skills are not being evaluated, some students would be receiving an A+++ in this department!  

8th Biblical Worldview:  We are almost finished with Unit 2.  We are looking to God's Word alone to tackle some difficult questions. What makes up a church?  What MUST be included in a church?  What are the marks of a true church?  What are primary and secondary issues that we should concern ourselves in as church members?  What is doctrine and its importance?  What is the danger of legalism in church?  Why do we go to church?  Why and how did God set up the church, starting at Pentecost?  We are looking mostly to the Pauline Epistles to answer such questions.  Discussion has been great, and this group of students is amazing!  Prayers appreciated!

Also, please enjoy this video clip from Bible class.  The students don't get recess, and they work so hard! Sometimes they deserve a 3-minute dance break...

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