Monday, April 28, 2014

8th Grade Field Trip....

Below is a copy of the permission slip that is going home with the 8th grade students today.  Initially, we thought the cost would be less, but according to the explanation written on the slip, the cost will be $18.  If this cost is a burden to you, let me know via a personal, confidential email.
Katie Agate
8th Grade Camping Trip!

When: Friday, May 9th, 8AM departure (meet in parent pick-up lot in the back of the school) for a 10AM arrival at the campsite.  We will leave the campground at 1PM on Saturday to be back at the school by 3PM for pick-up. 

Where: We are going to Prince Gallitzin State Park
                                        966 Marina Road
                                        Patton, PA 16668-6317

Cost: $18 per camper will cover the cost of all food (lunch and dinner on Friday; breakfast and lunch on Saturday) and the reservation of five sites for two nights.  Even though we will only be spending one night there, check-in isn’t until 3PM, so two of our chaperones are going up Thursday and setting up as much as possible for our arrival on Friday morning. 

Why: As we just finished reading Lord of the Flies (which could eerily coincide with camping) and as a means of a last hurrah for our 8th grade sweeties who will soon be in high school (NOOOO!), we thought this would be a fun opportunity to fellowship together though camping (devotions, praise and worship, games, journaling, fishing, hiking, etc.).  We hope that everyone can attend!

Help: We need enough parents to haul 22 kids (I can take six.), but if we have too many parents, we will have to reserve another campsite.  So please consider driving/chaperoning, and let me know soon! :)

What to bring:     *Sleeping bag        *Flashlight       *Bible and Notebook/Journal                     *"Play" clothes       *Fishing gear             *Comfy shoes for hiking            *Bug spray                    *Pillow       *Games, Cards, Puzzles       *Any special snacks you would like    *Water bottle
       *Toiletries (There are showers.)              *Towel            *Chair, if you have one
*Any camping tools such as hotdog sticks, mountain-pie irons, etc. are welcome!

*We will work out the tent situation together in class.  We need four more 5+man tents.  If you have a tent that you would like to have set up prior to our arrival, give it to Mrs. Agate by Tuesday, May 6th.   However, you may find enjoyment in setting up your site when we get there! :)               

Contact: Email Mrs. Agate with any questions! :) 

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I GIVE MY STUDENT, ________________________________________, PERMISSION TO ATTEND THE 8TH GRADE CAMPING TRIP ON MAY 9TH.  ENCLOSED is $18.


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