7th English: GRAMMAR! We are learning infinitives, participles, gerunds, and all sorts of brand new grammar concepts. We are also currently in a unit on non-fiction literature. Additionally, we are writing business letters and personal essays this quarter on top of our weekly writing prompts and literature responses.
8th English: SHAKESPEARE! We have been reading and acting out A Midsummer Night's Dream. We will be reading more Shakespeare, writing literary responses, and paraphrasing the Bard's poetry and prose. The unit will culminate with a wonderful project. Additionally, we will be continuing with vocabulary and grammar. We are cruising along at a wonderful pace, and the kiddos should be very proud!
7th Bible: We're on Unit 5: Prophets. As God's nation grew, so did the need for leadership. We are still in desperate need of spiritual leadership today. We have enjoyed talking about the leaders we look up to and what God's word says in this regard.
8th Bible: Our study of church history continues as we strive to hear our own, personal calling as God's children and our place in His church. We have enjoyed discussing the essentials of faith and works, prayer, worship, and leadership in the body. We are in Unit 4: Church History.
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