7th English:
Students did a fantastic job with The Giver! They performed really well on the novel test and proved to understand what we read and discussed. I gave them a challenging essay where they had to choose a theme from the novel and explain it using examples from the novel and incorporate their Christian worldview. Chosen themes included the importance of memories, how ignorance is bliss but knowledge is power, and what it means to sacrifice. I realized that these 7th graders have a lot to say, but I also see that we need to work on structure and organization in writing. These are skills we tackle in our current unit on journalism, in our next unit which includes a five paragraph essay with a three-point-thesis, and throughout the rest of the year.
Right now, they are learning the components of journalistic writing, and they are writing four newspaper articles that would come from their imagined utopian societies. Some students have already shown me their articles, and they are fantastic! You may have seen on RenWeb that the first drafts are due on the 18th, and the final drafts are due on September 28th. Writing has been the only homework I have given in the last two weeks, and I am also providing class time to write, proofread, edit, etc. Bonus points will be given for those who put it into newspaper format (see rubric).
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Seventh grade had an exciting review game the day before their literature test. Teams faced off for a riveting show down! |
8th English:
Grammar and punctuation and writing, oh my! We had a quiz today on the ever exciting subordinating conjunctions, dependent clauses, complex sentences, and more! The goal in grammar is to become great writers, and I am seeing evidence of this already. Up next is an intensive writing unit followed by a new novel unit. I am especially enjoying the amazing work ethic and the fun nature of these students!
8th Biblical Worldview:
We are still in the first unit which is an overview of the Bible. I love how much deeper the students are discovering that everything points to Jesus. We have discussed how the law and the prophecies have been fulfilled by Christ and how He has been our promised rescuer from Genesis 3! We have decided that we feel very blessed to live THIS side of the cross.
Today we covered the temptations of Jesus and discussed how we, too, can respond to temptation using God's Word. I was especially touched that students shared how they have been specifically convicted by Scripture. Up next we are learning about Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit AND spiritual gifts! Memory verse is Jer. 31:33-34, ESV due on the 27th. Always see RenWeb for date details.
Other important information:
1. We are getting homeroom t-shirts! They are AWESOME! We ask that each student bring in $3 to off-set the cost of the shirts. This is due next Friday to each homeroom teacher. We will send home a reminder.
2. Each student needs a way to save his or her work in the computer lab. There are three common ways that students do this: A.) Flash-drive B.) Email their work to themselves C.) Use Google Docs It is not productive to do work in the computer lab on papers and such when students cannot continue working at home or the next day at school. If your student does not have a personal email account, a flash-drive is best. Please let me know if purchasing a flash-drive is a burden; I have some spares.
3. Scholastic orders are due TOMORROW! Please use the link on the website. I also handed out the fliers.