For over a month, the 8th graders have been working on formal research papers. They have learned the MLA style of writing, and they have thoroughly researched their chosen topic in light of the Holocaust unit. It is now time to turn the FINAL draft in to This website will verify that no plagiarism has taken place, and it enables the teacher (me) to grade the papers electronically.
For our class, the website ID is: 7286350, and the password is in all lowercase. Hint: uncalled-for swimwear during the DC trip, and the conversation that Mrs. Agate asked you to "drop." ;)
The papers are due to TurnItIn by 11:59 PM on Friday (tomorrow).
Want more info on the paper? Read on! ...
The students have completed MLA source cards, outlines, first, and second drafts! They also have (hopefully) mastered creating a "Works Cited" page. (You may have noticed that the teachers have been giving light homework to accommodate this paper. Josh Cole mentioned today, "Why don't we have any homework anymore?" This was not well-received by his fellow students.) More information on MLA format can be found by checking out MLA writing will carry the students through high school and college, and they will continue to receive a good foundation in 8th grade to master this format.
For this particular paper, the students were given several rubrics throughout the course of their writing to hold them accountable to the requirements. They also received summary sheets of MLA format to guide them. I suggested that they keep these forms as the papers will be of great assistance in the future.
Also, we will be writing another, longer research paper during the second half of the year. Some of the students are actually looking forward to it! No kidding! :) I love these crazy kids!