Thursday, September 26, 2013

What's Goin' On?

We have been very busy in the classroom!  Here is a BRIEF update for you.

7th ENGLISH:  *We just finished a unit on short stories where we read eight works from different cultures and eras.  We learned literary elements of a short story as well such as plot, point of view, climax, etc.  We are about to begin reading The Hobbit.
                      *We have been working on writing, and we are about to conquer the structured five paragraph essay.  We will also be writing riddles in light of JRR Tolkein works.  The students have been enjoying the Friday writing prompts as well.
                      *We have completed four units in vocabulary, and we are about to start applying our knowledge of roots and derivatives to analogies.
                      *In grammar, we continue weekly lessons in understanding parts of speech and the various roles of words in a sentence.

7th BIBLE:   *We just finished Unit 1: An Overview of The Old Testament.  The students did very well on their test as the class average was a B+.  Nice work!
                      *Unit 2 is underway, and the students will enjoy learning about the Jewish feasts and festivals.

8th ENGLISH: *We just finished a unit on short stories where we read ten works from different cultures and eras.  We learned literary elements of a short story as well such as theme, tone, irony, etc.  We are about to begin reading The Hiding Place and starting a literary unit on The Holocaust.
                      *We have been working on writing, and we are about to conquer the personal narrative and article writing/journalism. 
                      *We have completed four units in vocabulary, and we are about to start applying our knowledge of roots and derivatives to analogies.
                      *In grammar, we are practicing sentence structure and mechanics.  Note: There will be a lot more grammar in this half of the quarter. :)

8th BIBLE:   *We just finished Unit 1: An Overview of The New Testament. 
                       *Unit 2 is underway, and the students will enjoy learning about the birth of the early church and Paul's missionary journeys. 

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Can I Get a Witness?!

I was so encouraged last night while grading a homework assignment from the 8th graders.  Students were to write a brief testimony of the evidence of Christ in their lives as we have been studying the Gospels with a focus on Jesus' directive to GO and make disciples of all nations ("The Great Commission"). 

An hour into grading, I was over their papers in tears reading how beautifully these students expressed their faith in Jesus and how they came to know their Maker.  Some students wrote pages on the love they have for their Savior when the assignment was to write a mere paragraph.  I feel so honored that I get to witness their spiritual growth, and I can say for certain that I see the Holy Spirit shining in these students on a daily basis. 

I'm overwhelmed with gratitude to God for creating these special young people.  I am grateful that I see fruit as they strengthen their personal walks with Jesus, and I am also thankful for amazing parents who are truly "training up their children in the way they should go." (Proverbs 22:6)

Blessings, indeed!
Mrs. A

Friday, September 13, 2013

Nearing the end...

Please note that we are near the end of the first of our English and Bible units.  If you look on the left column of the website, you will see the upcoming test dates.  Throughout the units, the students have had various quizzes on individual lessons, but they have yet to partake in a unit test.  The students are to use their notes, study guides, previous assignments, etc. to study for the tests, and we will review together a day or two before the test takes place.

Just wanted to give everyone a heads-up!

I pray everyone has a fabulous weekend!

Mrs. A


Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Dear Parents,

Please try and check PowerSchool frequently.  Your son or daughter may be missing several assignments for any number of classes.  I accept late work for half credit, so please encourage your student to change his or her ZERO and earn some points back!  You will also notice that most of my assignments on PowerSchool have a general description of the assessment.

Once again, assignments are given both orally and written on the homework board in my classroom.  Students are encouraged to copy the information daily in their planners.  Please help me hold them accountable, and check those planners as well.

In prayer for a successful school year,
Mrs. Agate